Friday, June 01, 2007

A thought for the weekend

"What man actually needs is not a tension less state but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him. What he needs is not the discharge of tension at any cost, but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him." Viktor Frankl

I would like to leave you with a thought for the weekend, did you realize the truth worth, of your time you spent this week,
  • did the withdrawl from your time account give you a feeling of satisfaction?
  • did you learn anything new this week ?
  • did you do anything different this week ?

At the end of a week I take time to reflect on what has transpired at work and at home , try to see if there was a better way to have done things, why did I make the decisions that I did, what was the reasoning behind them, would I make them again. I then look at the next week and plan some key activities in work and at home, and then I can head home for the weekend and rest completely, knowing that I have dealt with the majority of things that would have normally "run around my head" for the weekend, and not waste any of my precious time.

Have a great weekend



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