Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Peak Performance and getting there in business or sport (2)

Peak Performance and getting there in business or sport (2)

......Continuing from yesterdays post, I thought I would take some time to talk about the five steps I pointed out in Mondays post about performance, today I will talk about step one.

1. Mission, Values, and Pride

The companies mission statement, should be short, and deliver the message in an easy to digestible package, here are some well know companies and there mission statements:

3M"To solve unsolved problems innovatively"
Mary Kay Cosmetics"To give unlimited opportunity to women".
Merck"To preserve and improve human life".
Wal-Mart"To give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same thing as rich people".
Walt Disney"To make people happy."

When you started your company you had a dream, the Mission statement will give you the opportunity to state that dream and how you will deliver it, this will give a focus for the team to work to, the Mission should always be the at the fore front off what you do in the company.This is something that your whole company should be able to "buy in to" and be proud off achieving, it should include how you will accomplish that, how you will conduct business, morally and ethically if you are going to, but be careful, if you state these ideals to the public you need to live up to them. I hear some folk thinking I am only a small enterprise why do I need one, I would suggest that whether you are a little acorn wanting to be a shrub or an oak it is important to let the all know what you are about, and what they can expect from you. The mission is a rallying point for you and your team and a performance enabler.

some more mission statements "if you want to be big you need to think big"

Ford Motor Company (early 1900's)"Ford will democratize the automobile"
Sony (early 1950's)"Become the company most known for changing the worldwide poor-quality image of Japanese products"
Boeing (1950)"Become the dominant player in commercial aircraft and bring the world into the jet age"
Wal-Mart (1990)"Become a $125 billion company by the year 2000"


So, when you are preparing your Mission Statement remember to make it clear and succinct, incorporating socially meaningful and measurable criteria and consider approaching it from a grand scale. As you create your Mission Statement consider including some or all of the following concepts.
The moral/ethical position of the enterprise
The desired public image
The key strategic influence for the business
A description of the target market
A description of the products/services
The geographic domain
Expectations of growth and profitability

Tomorrow "Process and Metrics"



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